Alcohol Policies

Policy Concerning Alcohol Use

The Policy of the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma concerning the use of alcohol in the Diocese is set out in the following requirements.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a structure for the reasonable and responsible use of alcohol within the Diocese of Oklahoma. This policy is not intended to limit the authority of an individual congregation or institution from adopting additional requirements. This policy applies equally to events on and off premises. Exceptions to this policy may be made only with the advice and consent of the Bishop or the Bishop’s designee.

*All applicable federal, state and local laws are to be obeyed. Under no circumstances may minors consume, sell or distribute alcoholic beverages. 

*Distributing alcoholic beverages to those who are intoxicated is prohibited.

*The serving of alcoholic beverages is to be monitored and controlled.

*If alcoholic beverages are served, a non-alcoholic alternative must be provided, with equal attractiveness, accessibility, and quantity.

*The serving of alcoholic beverages should not be publicized as an attraction of the event.

*The furnishing of alcoholic beverages is limited to beer and wine.

*Alcoholic beverages are not to be consumed by adults who accompany minors off church property on a parish-related activity.

*Alcoholic beverages stored on church premises are in locked storage, so that they are not accessible to unsupervised minors.

*Chemical distribution other than alcohol is clearly controlled under federal, state, and local laws and, as such, is forbidden at any function.

*A responsible party for non-church groups using church facilities for events at which alcoholic beverages will be served must read and sign a copy of this policy, agreeing to abide by it. 

924 N. Robinson I Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 232-4820
Hours: 9 am to 5 pm CST


