A Letter from Bishop Ed Regarding Actions Taken by 2012 General Convention

A Letter from Bishop Ed Regarding Actions Taken by 2012 General Convention

By The Rt. Rev. Edward J. Konieczny
April 19, 2013

Dear Friends:

As you are all aware, General Convention last year passed Resolution A049 which authorized the "Trial Use” of a liturgy for the Blessing of Same-Gender Unions. The resolution provided that the use of the "Trial Liturgy” was to be under the guidance and authority of the Diocesan Bishop and that the "Trial Liturgy” could be adapted as needed for use in local contexts.

In my letter to the diocese following General Convention I outlined a process by which the Diocese of Oklahoma would respond to Resolution A049. That process called for a diocesan wide consultation and formation of a small committee to offer advice and counsel to the Bishop in establishing the Policies and Procedures for use of the "Trial Liturgy” in the Diocese of Oklahoma.

Over the last several months that committee has faithfully and prayerfully conducted their work and made their recommendations to me. Those recommendations were shared throughout the Diocese and have been available online for comment by anyone.

After nearly nine months of evaluation, reflection, and comment I am publishing the Documents outlining the implementation of the Liturgy approved for use in the Diocese of Oklahoma.

I want to express my thanks and appreciation to the following members of the committee for their willingness to serve:

The Rev. Bill Carroll – Chair
The Rev. Mary Davis
Dr. Shirley Hunter
The Rev. Everett Lees
Mr. Richard Ogden
The Rev. Dale Petley

And I want to express my thanks and appreciation to all in the diocese who participated and shared their comments during this process of reflection.

+Bishop Ed

"Everliving God, whose will it is that all should come to you
through your Son Jesus Christ: Inspire our witness to him,
that all may know the power of his forgiveness and the hope
of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you and the
Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen." 

924 N. Robinson I Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 232-4820

Hours: 9 am to 5 pm CST


