Christ Church%2c Tulsa held a Monopoly Themed Ministry Fair

Christ Church, Tulsa held a Monopoly Themed Ministry Fair

On Sunday September 12, 2021, Christ Church Episcopal Tulsa held its Annual Ministry Fair after a year-off due to COVID.  To create an exciting event the PAC was transformed into a huge “Monopoly” game board.  Each of the topical groups was subdivided into the various committees who were represented in front of their respective “Ministry Fair” blocks on the converted Monopoly board.  The event was held after both the 9 AM and 10:45 AM services.

Fun and education  for our parishioners was the goal.  The children had fun with rolling the large dice and the cutouts of the monopoly pieces; while the adults had discussions at most of the stations around the board. Our Topical Groups included:  Worship and Ministry; Outreach; Children’s Ministry; Student Ministry; Adult Discipleship/Community; Pastoral Care, and Welcome Team.


924 N. Robinson I Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 232-4820
Hours: 9 am to 5 pm CST


