Our Experiments

Our Experiments 

These are experiments congregations around the diocese have tried or are in process of trying. If you are interested in learning more about one, please contact Canon Steve, canonsteve@epiok.org.

When beginning an experiment it is important to decide  whether you are investing in presence or relationship. It is recommended  to focus on one vs. both. 

  • Examples of presence experiments: a booth at a local farmers market,  participating in a community event, etc. 
  •  Examples of relationship experiments: intergenerational event with community, block parties, spending time with neighbors and getting to know the challenges of the community. 

1- Completed: Creation Care, St. Augustine of Canterbury: Goal was inspired to ask how they can implement practices to create lifelong learning, sensitivity, promotion, and awareness of God's Creation. The congregation used the money to purchase 315 Creation Care Reusable Tote Bags to be distributed amongst themselves as a kick-off to the Creation Care Ministry. 

2- Completed : Neighborhood Afternoon Tea, St. Bede's Westport: Goal is to meet and chat with neighbors in St. Bede's Westport neighborhood, and to allow their neighbors to enjoy a connection with the cultural heritage of their Anglican roots.  

3- Completed: Pride Festival, St. Micheal's Norman: Goal is to connect with LGBTGIA+ community in Norman by  meeting and showing that Norman has affirming Christian spaces where LGBTQIA+ are welcomed. To meet this goal they will hand out cards, stickers, and pens with the PRIDE flag and our name, address, and phone number on them.

4- Completed Community BBQ, Trinity Eufaula : Goal is  to build relationships with the community, by holding  a neighbor BBQ and passing out flyers to all neighbors and various other organizations, ie. police, fire department, EMS, Chamber of Commerce, inviting all to stop by for a burger or hot dogs.

5- Completed: Community back-to-school open house, St. John's OKC: Experimenting with an open-house for the community around St. John's OKC church, in August (back-to-school). Attempting  to invite the community for a back-to-school open house in which those are featured along with food trucks, dog park and outdoor entertainment.

6- Completed : 1000 Yards Project, Trinity Tulsa: Compensates Afghan refuges for handmade items, using yarn, knitting and crochet supplies that have been donated to the church. To date, the current inventory of hand made items purchased with the grant and other funding sources is 76 pairs of baby booties, 1 ladies bag, 2 scarves, 7 winter hats, 48 "washcloth bags" for bar soap.

7- In Process: Grace Church Yukon:  Neighborhood food truck voucher program, to welcome from Grace Church's new neighborhood to their church community. 

8- In Process: Whirlwind Mission : A pillowcase ministry to reach out to Watonga community. The pillowcases will be distributed to tribal members. It has a prayer/song that will be printed on the pillowcase in both English/Cheyenne.

9- In Process: St. David's OKC : establish community and connection with St. David's neighborhood by hosing a cook out in the park with activities for the children.

10- Completed: St. Paul's Holdenville: A Native American cultural dinner and Christmas pageant to engage with neighbors and learn more about their community. Goal is to build a better working relationship and invite them to our community. 

11- Completed: St. James Oklahoma City: Pass out 100 dozen eggs door-to-door in the surrounding neighborhood of St. James on April 1st Saturday before Palm Sunday and include a flyer inviting folks to join us for Easter services and informing them about our monthly St. James Food Pantry. They are testing is Anglos and Hispanics can work together on an outreach project, learn how to love each other across cultures, and build upon one diverse congregation at St. James.  They hope that conversations door-to-door in either Spanish or English will enable them to learn who their neighbors are, and what issues are important to them. They hope to determine if they are aware of St. James and to assure them they are welcome at our services and Food Pantry.




924 N. Robinson I Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 232-4820

Hours: 9 am to 5 pm CST


