Advent Resources

Advent Resources

It is almost that time! Advent begins Sunday Nov. 27th. Kate Bond, Director of Faith Formation and Discipleship and Teresa Phares, Children and Youth Coordinator share with us advent resources and curriculum for the new season. 

Adult Advent resources: 


Holy Is His Name  - Forward Movement's annual Advent reflection offering, this resource explores the four canticles found in the Gospel of Luke. Reflections work well for individual prayer study or in a group setting. 

Journeying the Way of Love Advent Curriculum - This resource has been updated for 2022 and if you haven't selected a curriculum for adult formation during Advent look no further! Combining Sunday formation with simple daily at-home practices, this curriculum is easy to follow, free, and theologically rich. This resource is offered in both English and Spanish. 

Gifts for Life - Episcopal Relief and Development's gift-giving program where you can purchase "gifts" for loved ones that improve the lives of people around the world. This year the focus of Gifts for Life is on sustainability and clean water but there are many gifts to choose from. Fantastic for individuals, families, Sunday School class, or a congregation to participate in. Episcopal Relief and Development also prepares an annual Advent Toolkit with crafts, bulletin inserts, and other resources for your congregation. Resources are available in both English and Spanish. 

#AdventWord - Originally from SSJE (the Society for St. John the Evangelist) and now, in conjunction with Forward Movement, #AdventWord is a great resource both for individual reflection (especially creative outlets such as journaling) but also for congregations to engage people online via social media.  #AdventWord focuses on a single word from the Sunday lectionary readings for each day of the week. Participants can read and engage with daily reflections here but the real energy of this practice is found by engaging online via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram where people share images and their own reflections using #AdventWord. This is one of my personal favorites! 

advent word English  advent word SPANISH 

Children and Youth advent resources: 



  • Lego Advent Calendar Prayers – The Diocese of Arkansas has developed prayers to go along with the Lego Advent Calendar. You can download the prayers for free but be sure to buy the Lego Advent Calendar early because they sell out quickly! 

  • Godly Play – Check out the Advent resources from Godly Play, including at-home story materials and congregational materials. 

  • Children’s Pageants – Looking for an easy children’s pageant with no rehearsals or lines to memorize? Check out these two options:
  1. Godly Play version - this can be used even if you do not do Godly Play. Let Teresa know if you would like a preview of the pageant script. 

  2. Paper Bag Pageant - This easy-to-stage Christmas pageant requires no rehearsal and has a role for everyone! Guided by a storyteller, participants get in on the act in this memorable pageant celebrating Jesus’ birth.
  • Advent Activity Calendar – Create an Advent activity calendar at home. Get a wire wreath frame from a hobby store, along with some index cards and clothespins. You could also hang these like banners on some twine across a wall. Create a list of 24 activities to do during Advent and write one on each card. It helps to look at your calendar and start with things that you might already have planned or special family traditions, then fill in the other dates with small activities. Try to vary the activities. Some examples to include: light the new Advent candle for the week, deliver donuts to a local fire station, go to a Christmas concert in town, make Christmas cards for shut-ins from your church, drink hot cocoa, make a donation to a charity in honor of a special person, watch a favorite holiday movie together, bake cookies, drive around and look at Christmas lights, decorate the tree, go caroling, make gingerbread houses, etc. 

  • Saint Nicholas - Are you planning a visit from Saint Nicholas, or another celebration for St. Nicholas Day (December 6)? Check out a ton of resources at St. Nicholas Center, ranging from coloring pages and games to stories and liturgical resources.


  • #PictureAdvent - A daily devotional through Advent that is created to help you and your family prepare your hearts and homes for Christmas. This daily resource invites you to reflect on scripture with your eyes and hearts using Visio Divina (Latin for "divine seeing").

  • d365 – Download the d365 app to access daily devotions that follow a five-step format – Pause, Listen, Think, Pray, Go.


  • Chrismons – Chrismons, meaning "Christ monograms," traditionally are white and gold designs made from Christian symbols that signify Christ. Often displayed on an evergreen tree during the Christmas season, symbols such as stars, crosses, fish, crowns, and the alpha and omega remind us of Christ's identity, his story, and of the Holy Trinity. 

  • Generation to Generation (from A Sanctified Art) – This bundle includes 11 resources for congregations to use intergenerationally – devotional booklets, prayers to include in worship, art projects, liturgies for use at home or at church, an Epiphany liturgy and activity, advent calendars, poems, visual art collection, and more! 

  • Slow Down. Quiet. It's Advent. - An Advent calendar for the whole family to practice intentional preparation, prayer, and togetherness during the Advent season. Each day offers a simple but prayerful practice for families to do together. This resource is fantastic for dinner table discussions when you light your Advent wreath or just with the goal of adding an intentional daily practice to your routine. 



924 N. Robinson I Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 232-4820
Hours: 9 am to 5 pm CST


