Bishop's Appeal Update 2024

Bishop's Appeal Update 2024

Thanks to the generous donations of so many, we are thrilled to announce this year's Bishop's Appeal raised over $32,000 for five worthy non-profits and agencies making a difference in the lives of those facing addiction and substance abuse in our communities.


Thanks to the generous donations of so many, we are thrilled to announce this year's Bishop's Appeal raised over $32,000, for five worthy non-profits and agencies making a difference in the lives of those facing addiction and substance abuse in our communities.

Bishop Poulson shared his thoughts, "“I am so grateful to the many congregations, church members, and friends who donated generously to this year’s Bishop’s Appeal. The more than $32,000 that we raised will help save the lives of our fellow children of God fighting addiction in Oklahoma. This is God’s love in action through you.”

Every year, the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma raises money for the Bishop's Appeal from our congregations, members, and friends. Typically, this appeal goes to help address a human need in Oklahoma in response to Jesus' call to serve the vulnerable. This year's Bishop's Appeal collected donations for non-profits and agencies making a difference in the lives of those facing addiction and substance abuse in our communities.

We are distributing the proceeds to five organizations around our state: Neighbors Building Neighbors in Muskogee, the H.O.W. Foundation in Tulsa, The Jesus House in Oklahoma City, Country Road Addiction Treatment in Tecumseh, and Youth and Family Services of North Central Oklahoma Inc. in Enid. 


924 N. Robinson I Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 232-4820
Hours: 9 am to 5 pm CST


