Fr. William Font Joins Anglican Dominican

Fr. William Font Joins Anglican Dominican

Fr. William Font Joins The Anglican Dominican Order

By the grace of God, and with the support of Bishop Poulson Reed, the Rev. William Font rejoined  The Anglican Dominican Order. Bishop Poulson shared his thoughts, "I was honored to be asked by Father William to assist him in making his novice vows as an Anglican Dominican, supported by family and friends. The Dominican focus on preaching the gospel will serve him well in his ministry as a new priest in our diocese."

The Order of Preachers, or The Dominican Order, was founded by Dominic of Guzman in 1216. The Order has its origin in the South of France (Languedoc). The foundation's primary purpose was to restore the preaching ministry to be more accessible to the people through the active ministry, commitment, and by solid theological and Scripture education of Friars-Priest.  The second purpose of the foundation of the Order was to be established in cities where the access to Universities and new ideas was more accessible. Dominic thought that the crisis of faith and the issues of heresies at that time resulted from the clergy's ignorance and the lack of commitment to living the Gospel.

Since then (1216), the Order of Preacher has had a long legacy of great Preachers and Scholars that has changed the view of the Western World.  For example, Thomas Aquinas, the most solid theologian of the Western Church, Francisco Vitoria, the creator of International Law, used by the Order to denounce the illegality and immorality of the Conquest of America, Roland de Vaux (1949) The Master Mind behind the discoveries of the Scrolls of the Death Sea, and Yves Congar, the Master Mind behind the Council of Vatican II.  These are very few examples of the legacy and influence of the Dominican Order.

Fr. William shared why he rejoined the order, "I joined the Order in 1980 as a Roman Catholic. I was studying in college for my bachelor's degree in History and Philosophy. I was very active as a youth preaching and teaching the Gospel. In one of my medieval classes, I read about Dominic's preaching, committed to ending The Cathar heresy in France, and felt a strong call in me to do the same thing. “That is what I am doing now at this moment.” I felt attracted to the Ministry of Preaching and Teaching Theology and Scripture.

"In 1992, an Episcopalian Priest, Kevin Goodrich, had the vision to continue Dominic’s legacy and the tradition of his Order in the Anglican Communion. Since then, there have been two branches of the Dominican Order: Roman Catholic and Anglican. Of course, the call and attraction of the Dominican is in me today as it was in 1980. That is why I decided to re-join again."

"I hope to continue stepping into the tradition of an Order that has been boldly preaching the Gospel of Jesus and teaching Theology and Scripture as a form of ministry."

"To me, being a Dominican is a way to strengthen my call to be a Priest. The call to be a Dominican was my first love. I love the way of living of the Order: Prayer life, the discipline of studying Theology and Scripture. I have a long career teaching College and High School history, theology, and Scripture. Finally, I love life in  Community."


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