Church Vaccine Locations

Church Vaccine Locations

Calling all churches to help vaccinate our communities! We are looking for opportunities to meet people where they are – put the vaccine in places that are easily accessed and familiar to people. Is your church willing to host a one day vaccine event, perhaps following a Sunday service? Are you willing to partner with other churches or organizations in your community to promote and plan for such a community vaccination event? Would you be receptive to the help of your local county health department nurses to bring and provide vaccinations at your location?

Calling all churches to help vaccinate our communities!

As you know, all people age 16 or older can receive COVID vaccine in Oklahoma. If you haven’t already made an appointment to get vaccinated, make one right now. You are eligible. Then, reach out to your family, friends, and neighbors to make sure they can make an appointment too.  See what help you can offer them to help those who might need extra assistance. The more people see those around and get vaccinated, particularly family and friends, the more comfortable they become with getting vaccinated themselves. The easier we make it to get vaccinated, the more people will get vaccinated, and that means getting back to normal more quickly.

It doesn’t matter where you live or work, we are making sure that everyone knows how easy it is to get a shot. There are now millions more vaccine doses available and waiting – now is the time. Our churches are invited to be a part of the solution, providing safe, comfortable space for more people to get vaccinated.

You may be asking - How can we help?

We are looking for opportunities to meet people where they are – put the vaccine in places that are easily accessed and familiar to people. Is your church willing to host a one day vaccine event, perhaps following a Sunday service? Are you willing to partner with other churches or organizations in your community to promote and plan for such a community vaccination event? Would you be receptive to the help of your local county health department nurses to bring and provide vaccinations at your location?

If the answer to these questions is “yes” – then we applaud you and say thank you for doing your part!

Next steps are as easy as making a call to your local county health department leadership (see list provided below), pick a date and time for the event, host an informal planning walkthrough to figure out logistics alongside your involved partners, and spread the word far and wide!

If you’d like to see an event in action – St Paul’s Cathedral in OKC will be hosting such an event on Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd – we welcome you to come and observe, participate, or feel free to send members of your community to spend the day with us while saying ‘yes’ to the vaccine!

List of Local County Health Officials


924 N. Robinson I Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 232-4820
Hours: 9 am to 5 pm CST


